Monday, 27 September 2010

Preliminary Task: Introduction

This week we shall be planning, filming and editing a conversation sequence which includes a variety of different shots. It will be used to demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 rule. We have to pass this task to be able to continue onto the main project/coursework.

Today, we are planning our sequence on a storyboard and research and find examples of the shots which we will be using in the sequence. The shots included are establishing shot, close-up shot, match on action shot, reaction shot, long shot and using the 180 degree rule to film a conversation. We have also started our project blog to document our progress throughout the current task and the main project.

Tomorrow we shall be filming our sequence on location according to our storyboard.  The basic narrative of the storyboard starts as character 1 is walking down a staircase and walking down a hallway in an establishing shot. In the next shot character one drops what he is carrying and crouches down to collect the items from the floor which is shown in a close up. We will then see the same thing from a match on action shot of character 1 picking up the items from the floor. In the next shot we see character 2 come to help character 1 pick up the items and we see a reaction shot of character one. Then in the next shot we have a long shot of both characters standing up and then the shot moves into a shot reverse shot of the characters having a conversation using the 180 degree rule.

Then in the final lesson on this task we shall be editing our sequence to fit a linear narrative using final cut express. We are also going to think about the the sound and music which could be used in the sequence.

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