Monday, 27 September 2010

Preliminary Task: Camera Shots

Establishing shot
The shot informs the audience of the characters surroundings and who is in the scene. It shows that these three characters are all doing to school, so they are still about 16-18.

Close up

It draws attention to the reaction/action of a character. This makes us feel what they are feeling and understand them. This is from a low angle which shows that the character has a higher authority, and makes him look more threatening.

Match on action shot
This shot shows the audience an action from two perspectives. It shows that this character is quite defensive, and stupid because he's punching a fish - it's almost barbaric.

Reaction shot
The shot taken when a character first enters the scene.The shot shows the feelings and position of the character and helps us to understand how they feel.Another reaction shot showing that the character is pleased to see someone.

Long shot
This shows the whole scene and tells us where the characters are. It could also be classified as an establishing shot, which shows us the scene. It shows that not much is happening in the scene, and everyone is talking in their groups.

Filming a conversation 
This shows the audience the reactions on the characters faces during the conversation and lets them know who is talking. The character is wearing glasses and has his tie done really well, this shows us that he is probably quite organized and possibly a stereotypical "nerd".

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