Monday, 4 October 2010

Children's Film: Spongebob Squarepants (Animated Character)

Children's film characters have to be funny, friendly and non-aggressive, Sponge-bob is all of these. Sponge-bob is funny in ways which the children can relate to and the somewhat repetitive scenario's he is faced with ensure that there is always going to be a laugh in the episode for all the children.

The way Sponge-bob looks is out of the ordinary, funny and brightly coloured, these all appeal to young children. The look of the main character in children's programs is very important as this is one of the first things children will be drawn to, rather than the actual story line, they are more interested with what they see, funny faces, loud noises, general mischief.

Sounds/Voices are another big thing that children will be drawn to with films/programs, character voices have to be funny and out of the ordinary so that children will focus on them and recognize the voice and be able to know that the voice is funny.

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