Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Children's Film: Filming Day 2

During filming day two we completed our the rest of the filming. As we have completed the superhero scene, in which the main character is dreaming, we are now able to move onto reality in a school environment. In the filming on day two we were able to film the classroom scene, where our main character wakes up from his dream. We then see a short corridor scene, which includes the 'apple' which we saw in the previous superhero scene. This will enable the audience to see that this character is in-fact the same character as before - just in a different situation/scene. During the corridor scene the apple is destroyed by an by-passer which shows the destruction of hope for the main character. The opening sequence ends shortly after this.

Overall we managed to complete this quickly as the shots were fairly short. We have tried to use a variety of angles to show hierarchy between the teacher and student, we have also used panning, and some different shot distances. From both days of filming I believe that we have used a huge variety of techniques which will make the opening sequence more interesting for the young audience.

We finished the filming day by importing/capturing our footage from the camera onto the computer, which we will be editing in upcoming lessons.

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