Friday 15 October 2010

Childrens Film: Chase Sequence Ideas

The Chase sequence that will appear in our sequence is inspired by a Benny Hill show, a British TV comedy show that appeared between 1951 and 1991 which involved slapstick comedy in their sketches
which were reminiscent of Charlie Chaplin and Keystone kops which both appeared in the early 20th century. Below is an example of a Charlie Chaplin chase scene from 1928.

As we can see in this chase scene. It involves a lot of slapstick comedy and sped-up action to create a more humorous tone.  

This scene has been re-created many times in many different TV shows and movies. Notably Scooby-doo, the Children's TV show often involved this scene in many of their episodes. Below is a recreation of this sequence by the Childrens TV show, Scooby doo.

As we can see in the Scooby-doo re-creation also involves sped up shots and a bit of slapstick comedy as well to create a humorous and comedic effect.

As we can tell from analysing the two different sequences to make a effective chase scene, then it should Involve up-beat music, sped-up shots, humorous slapstick comedy and the sequence should also be edited to provide humorous narrative during the sequence.

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