Tuesday 5 October 2010

Children's Film: Bug Life (Opening Sequence)

A Bug's life was made in 1998 by Pixar, it was directed by John Lasseter and Andrew Stanton. It is the story of a colony of ants that are suffering from the tyranny of the grasshoppers. A misfit ant known as Flick goes on a search for a group of warriors to help defeat the grasshoppers, but turn out to be a a circus troupe. It is a typical action film with a Hero, Villain and "Hero saves girl" - together the ants and the circus troupe save the day and give them the justice they deserve.

The Film begins with a peaceful and calm setting which establishes the location and gives us an idea of what the story will be. It starts as an equilibrium where everything is normal and we see an average day for the ants. We hear realistic diagetic and non-diagetic sounds that help to emphasize the location and atmosphere of the scene to entertain and attract a young audience we see common/real problems for the ants represented in a humerous way, the simple things to us are huge problems to the ants and helps children puts things into perspective of the ants. Like most other films, we are introduced to the main characters and experience some of their personalities, which will help the audience see the change in the characters by the end of the film. The main character however is shown as an outsider and as different to the other ants, he is an outcast. We can see this in his actions and his colour, this is a moral that everyone should be treated equally.

The equilibrium is broken when it is warned to the ants that the grasshoppers are coming. this peril is typical of an action film. When things seem bad for the ant colony, they are even worse for the main character who seems to suffer from bad luck. Although the colony might not sympathize with him the audience will be able to.
Here is the first scene of the film:

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