Saturday, 16 October 2010

Children's Film: Script

It's very important that we have some dialogue in our opening sequence, and so in this post we will be planning the script for the characters. This is going to be greatly helpful when we begin filming next week. Until shot 10 there will be no dialogue, simply music and possibly some sound effects. When we reach the western-style showdown dialogue will obviously begin, it continues through into the next part of the sequence taking place in the classroom.

Villain: Nowhere to run now.
Hero: You will never defeat me.
Villain: Oh yes I will you snibering child.
Hero: Yeah but you forgot about my magic apple  (apple appears in his hand)
Villain: ...Luckily I am prepared this time (burger appears in his hand)
Hero: No!!!
Villain: All you have to do is eat the burger. (repeats)

Scene fades to black. The villain's words echo as we enter a classroom with a boy sleeping on his desk.  It appears that there is no-one else in the room.

Teacher: (Walks over to boy)...Jeremy... Jeremy.
Jeremy: What? (waking up)
Teacher: Jeremy, you fell asleep. Class has finished.
Jeremy: Oh...really? (looks around classroom)
Teacher: Yes, it's lunch time. (picks up burger)
Jeremy: (Looks at teacher in shock, looks like the villain)

Jeremy exits the classroom. Walks down a corridor, and gets an apple out of his bag. It's knocked about of his hand by someone else.

This is just a basic idea of how the script will go. Obviously, whoever plays the superhero will be the boy in the classroom, and the villain will be the teacher.

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