Tuesday 12 October 2010

Children's Film: Inspector Gadget (Opening Credits)

The opening sequence of Inspector Gadget is based around mechanics, small gadgets and items.
The whole of the intro credits is about numerous small items e.g screws, bolts etc. that come together to form a giant 'G' (for gadget). This ties in with the name of the film and the main character and ties into the theme of the film as the film is about an inspector who invents mechanical parts to make his life easier but sometimes it does not always work out how he expected. 


Some of the objects involved in the opening sequence that make up the 'G' are children's toys. This helps children to relate and makes it more interesting for them. it is also colourful to attract the kids attension. Also the Disney logo has been altered to fit in the with theme of the film which is quite unusual. 

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